Since I’m on a streak of optimising my workflow in the terminal, I started to use Vi/Vim/Nvim as my default editor. The reason being it’s (almost) always installed by default, and it’s really powerful once you learn only a couple of shortcuts.

Currently I use Neovim on my development machine because it’s fast, extensable and overal very nice to use. The only thing I really have to get used to is the hjkl format of movement, I know you shouldn’t use them often in the first place but as a Vi newbie it’s a very nice thing to fall back to something familiar like the arrow keys to move around. I’m still learning all the stuff real Vi users use like tags and regex searching.

The plugins I currenty use are COC for code prediction, typescript-vim and vim-jsx-typescript for TypeScript highlighting, nerdtree for file browsing, vim-devicons for icons in nerdtree, fzf for fuzzy searching, and of course the dracula/vim plugin for the dracula theme.

So far the shortcuts I use are ZZ, hjkl, ZQ, A, a, i, I, C-b. I also might check out the plugin tagbar for easier code browsing in larger files.