Running Spotify From a Terminal

Running Spotify From a Terminal
This post exist of two different projects, the first one is Spotify-tui, and de second is Spotifyd. Spotify-tui Spotify-tui is a terminal interface using the web API and is witten in the Rust language, however, it does not play the songs itself. It only uses the API to select/play a song, you’ll need another piece of the puzzle to actually play the music. Since Spotify-tui is written in Rust it’s very memory efficient and safe, meaning it will never do unexpected things.
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Tmux Shortcuts

As per my previous blog post, I’ve discovered Alacritty but it has no tab functionality. That’s why I started using Tmux more outside of server management. Locally I now have multiple sessions with multiple windows that (can) have multiple panes. I have two sessons running, my personal dev environment and one for work. I also have a separate tmux window for Spotify-tui, I might make a blog post about that in the future with Spotifyd.
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I’ve recently come across a new terminal emulator called Alacritty, it is a new terminal emulator written in Rust. It uses the GPU to accellerate the calculations it needs to make which results in a more responsive terminal, some commands like tree also seem to run faster. Check out this video from DistroTube: The terminal emulator is still in beta and does not have any GUI to edit the settings, all settings need to be defined in a YAML config file.
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Zsh Speedup

I’ve been experiencing some slowdowns in my shell lately, I could not explain why. But I am using Oh My Zsh, and after some searching I found a blog post by Matthew J. Clemente that has a complete walkthrough of how to diagnose and fix slow (Oh My Zsh) shells. You start by measuring actual load times to set a base with a simple function you can put into your .
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